The Director of ERAIFT and Rector of IFA-YANGAMBI, Baudouin Michel, attended the Board meeting of the Odzaka-Kokoua-Lossi Foundation in Mbomo (Republic of Congo) on 31 January. The meeting was chaired by Mr Jean Bosco Nganongo, DG of ACFAP, and attended by the DTS of ACFAP. The Director of ERAIFT is in fact a director of the Odzala-Kokua-Lossi Foundation, representing African Parks Network since 2017. IFA-Yangambi, ERAIFT, the Odzala-Kokua-Lossi Foundation, ACFAP and APN have enjoyed harmonious and fruitful relations for many years.
The Director of ERAIFT and Rector of IFA-Yangambi thanked the Director of the Park Management Unit and his dynamic team for their welcome and congratulated them on the perfect organization of the Board meeting.